Do you want a local actor’s space?

No problem! On this page, you will find all the necessary information, including the local actor’s charter and a tutorial to easily create your account!

Deux captures d'écrans de l'application Generation Lowcal, l'annuaire local de Baptiste Coulon.

Charter of the local actor

Key Information for Becoming a Local Actor

A local actor is distinguished by its impact and usefulness in its specific area of intervention.

Communication and Visibility: Each local actor must clearly define and make visible its geographical areas of intervention, whether local, departmental, regional or national. It is essential to indicate the address of your main structure, points of sale, event locations, and other relevant elements to highlight your activity in the relevant territory.

Interaction and Responsibility: Each user of the application has the opportunity to submit comments or remarks concerning local actors. In case of apparent non-compliance with our mission, these observations may be reported for review by the GENERATION LOWCAL team. Any identified abuse may result in appropriate sanctions.

Tutorial for creating an account (space) local actor

0 – Note: It is possible to check the possibility of creating a local actor without having an account, either directly via the application or online using the button mentioned above.

1 – Account Login: Make sure you are logged in with the email address corresponding to the local actor you want to create. Note that it is possible to manage multiple user accounts simultaneously.

2 – Access to Administration: Go to the ‘admin’ tab.

3 – Creation of a New Local Actor:

If you have not yet created a local actor, click on ‘create a local actor’.
If you already have a local actor associated with your account, open the menu by clicking the arrow next to the name of the current local actor, then select ‘create a local actor’.

4 – Acceptance of the Charter: Read carefully and accept the Charter.

5 – Instructions: Follow the instructions provided for creation.

6 – Create a Base Location: Establish a first base location that matches your main activity to be visible to users.

7 – Explore Options: Discover the different options available in the menus to add or modify information. Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.